Letra de Música To The Nines de Winter Solstice

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Lyrics y video
Staring at a tree split in two
Asking yourself if you can mend it’s natural bane
Perseverance falls to the floor shattering into a million pieces
Categorizing failures rigorously
You conserve light by staring with your eyes closed
Sitting there with that failed look upon your lips
What happened to this picture?
Guided by a candle you try so hard to see miles ahead of yourself
A formal awakening experienced for the first time
Hitting closer and closer to home with each blow
Value your life
Impressions of your face hold your character
My scars hold eternal regret

*** By NiCk ***

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Ficha Musical To The Nines

Número de Palabras 102
Número de Letras 605
IntérpreteWinter Solstice

En la tabla de arriba encontrarás datos técnicos sobre las letras de las canciones. To The Nines de Winter Solstice.